Dawn to the Light
Raising Awareness of Mental Health Through Gameplay
The Client
Contact is a multi-arts venue based in Manchester dedicated to empowering individuals between the ages of 13 to 30. They nurture and inspire the next generation, guiding them in transforming their creative visions into remarkable productions.

The Project
The project's core objective was to develop a game that sheds light on the mental health challenges faced by teenagers, emphasising the importance of creating systems that make young people feel a better sense of connection to their environment.
Additionally, this project aimed to raise awareness about the often hidden mental health struggles experienced by adolescents.

Dawn to the Light Splash Load Screen

What We Did
We created the game using the Unity3D game engine, resulting in a computer game compatible with a PC and an Xbox controller.

Dawn to the Light Head Master Speech Mini Game

To bring the game to life, I assembled a team of talented artists, which included two 3D modelers, a 3D character creator, a 2D artist, and a Unity programmer.
Dawn to the Light Classroom

The End Result
The project is now successfully completed and was showcased at a Contact theatre event, where it was presented inside an arcade machine for the audience to experience.
Click the video below for a glimpse at the game.
Dawn to the Light Video Game Hightlights
Want To Engage Your Audience?
If you're enthusiastic about exploring the possibilities of augmented or virtual reality for your own projects or ventures, we're here to collaborate and bring your ideas to life.